What is WODEI?
Late deliveries, incorrect goods, poor product quality, broken packaging and a lack of prompt response from the seller are all problems you may face.
The seller does not have the products in stock and does not change the number of products in stock in the shop, which prevents them from dispatching your order and the seller's acceptance rate is below standard.
No tracking number has been uploaded or a false tracking number has been uploaded and the seller's valid tracking rate is substandard.
Products were in stock but did not ship on time and the seller's on-time delivery rate is substandard.
Shipping delays attributable to the seller, faulty or missing product functionality, wrong product sent, product or accessories missing, product received not as described, product received damaged, seller's claim rate not up to standard.
Reshipment has not been agreed and the seller's refund rate has not been respected.
You have not been compensated for: shipping costs, damaged parcels, customs clearance costs, non-conforming products, delays, missing parts, time taken to process disputes.

WODEI At-a-Glance

Understand your needs with a wide range of native languages.in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, German, Italian, Russian, Dutch, Swedish, Brazilian, Danish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Turkish, Greek, Korean, Slovak, Slovenian and Icelandic.There are 27 major categories and 822 sub-categories.
All products for use in homes or institutions, hospitals, factories, schools, etc. are tested on site by the inspection companies SGS, Bureau Veritas or TÜV Rheinland.
20-25 days delivery for made-to-order products, 7-15 days delivery for non-made to order products.
Damage and loss covered.
Full refund, partial refund, return refund, non-return refund in case of late delivery, incorrect goods, product quality, damaged packaging, lack of timely response from the seller.
Higher than the EU's 6-year free warranty policy.
Address: No. 425 Xinhua Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China (Postal Code: 430024)
Registered office: 1st Floor, Building 10, Daijiashan Science and Technology Venture City, No. 888 Hanhuang Road, Jiangan District, Wuhan
Telephone, Fax.
Company switchboard: +86-27-59101151
Company Fax: +86-27-59101151
International after-sales service phone number: +86-27-59101151
Overseas Engineering Service Centre Tel: 0086 27-59101151
Information Security Liaison Officer.
Landline: +86-27-59101151
E-mail: wodeinet@hotmail.com
News, interviews: wodeinet@hotmial.com
Overseas sales advisory service for home users: wodeinet@hotmail.com
Overseas sales advisory service for commercial users: wodeinet@hotmail.com
Overseas after-sales service: wodeinet@hotmail.com
Overseas Engineering Service Centre: wodeinet@hotmail.com
Material Procurement: wodeinet@hotmail.com
Securities Legal Affairs Department: wodeinet@hotmail.com
Talent Recruitment: wodeinet@hotmail.com
Warranty Service: wodeinet@hotmail.com